Materials and care
Materials and care
High quality canvas with square and round resin diamonds in acrylic.
Super definition, clear symbols.
Glue pouring
50 Colors / Contains special diamonds
En lo profundo de la selva, un guacamayo escarlata llamado Curro descubrió una pequeña ave atrapada en una red. Con valentía, Curro rompió la red y liberó al ave. Agradecida, la pequeña ave llevó a Curro a un claro mágico donde los animales se reunían. Desde entonces, se convirtió en el guardián de la selva, protegiendo a todos con su coraje y bondad.
Deep in the jungle, a scarlet macaw named Curro discovered a small bird trapped in a net. Bravely, Curro broke the net and freed the bird. Grateful, the little bird took Curro to a magical clearing where the animals gathered. Since then, he became the guardian of the forest, protecting everyone with his courage and kindness.